Saturday, March 15, 2008

What have you been up to since graduation?

If your like me, you've probably seen a few of your small kid time / classmates a few times in the last 30 years... I thought this would be a great way to kind of catch up with each other. So the question is: What have you been up to since graduation way back in 79??? Well...

I got married and had two boys, Travis (26), Zachary (24), I lived on Lanai until 1985 - divorced - moved to Oahu for a bit then moved to San Francisco, CA. I met my DH Mark shortly after arriving in SF and we got married in 1988. We lived in the Bay Area for 18 years, had two kids, Brittany (18) and Marcus-Lee (16). While there I worked as a secretary for many years and then ended up managing a law firm in SF before moving to Maui in December of 2003. I also have two beautiful granddaughters, Theresa (7) and Alizae (5) we also have one more granddaughter on the way and she will be joining our family in June.

I miss living on the mainland - well actually what I really miss is the convenience of it all. I loved being able to get in a car and just drive... Also the convenience of having options of finding an item - not here, oh well lets just drive down the road and see if they have it. One of my favorite places to visit has got to be Disney Land - I am a HUGE fan of Goofy and just love getting on all of those rides. In fact we are planning to celebrate our 20th anniversary at Disney World later this year.

Maui is great and is growing all the time, so much has changed since our days of coming over for band trips. I still remember our days of staying at the Armory, I look back and I think man, we had some great times!!!

Anyway, I can't wait to hear more about what you all have been up to, so come on in join in on this blogging thing. NOTE: this is the first time that I've ever done a blog.


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